Weekly Update
Week of April 26, 2021
Word Work: Our class will be learning about irregular plurals such as words like children, wolves, and pianos this week. Students should read their word lists, discuss the meaning of the words, and practice spelling words with similar syllable patterns.
NWEA: This week our 2nd graders will be taking the reading portion of NWEA over a span of a few days. There is really nothing that needs to happen from home besides the usual good night’s rest and encouragement to try his or her best each day. Let us know if you have any questions.
Math News: During this next week we will dive into learning about fractions. Some of the activities that we will be doing include a fraction comparison, fraction sort, and fraction memory.
Science News: Since arriving back from spring break we have been doing some fun learning about plants. During these past two weeks we have explored the many ways that seeds disperse. In the coming weeks we will investigate the needs of plants to have sunlight and water. This is always a wonderful science unit to end the year.
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